Floors made of quartz surface, acrylic solid surface and large ceramic slabs


For some, it is the background to the rest of the interior design elements, while for others it is one of the key areas, affecting both visual and practical aspects - the floor. In the design of functional interiors, the choice of the right material for the floor is of considerable importance. Foremost, because this is an area that is intensively used, exposed to damage, and its replacement or renovation is often associated with a major renovation.

How to choose a material for the floor?

Tough conditions, heavy furniture, high-heeled shoes, dirt or moisture - floors have to withstand a lot. Let's have a look at the key characteristics that flooring materials must meet. 

  • Floors should be resistant to the weight of furniture, moving chairs, hard-soled shoes, children's or wheelchairs and all daily use to avoid dents and scratches. This is especially important in high-occupancy spaces such as hallways, living rooms and kitchens.
  • The materials should be stain-resistant and easy to clean, making it easy to keep them in impeccable condition, even in areas particularly prone to dirt, such as kitchens, dining rooms and children's rooms.
  • In areas exposed to moisture, such as bathrooms, kitchens, corridors and vestibules (or other rooms where you change shoes when you come home), floors must be made of materials that do not absorb water and are water-resistant.
  • Floors should retain their original appearance for many years, without fading or abrasion of patterns - especially if they are part of an additional interior decoration.
  • The choice of flooring material should harmonize with the overall style of the interior. It is advisable to choose such patterns and colours, on which possible imperfections, such as light dirt, stains or pet hair will be less visible.

Floors made of quartz surface, acrylic solid surface and large ceramic slabs

The materials available in the Architype range fully meet the requirements described above. This is one of the key reasons they are so willingly chosen, not only for houses and flats, but also for public buildings.

Quartz surface is an extremely durable material, characterised by a very high resistance to any damage. According to the Mohs hardness scale, only corundum, topaz and diamond are harder than it. The properties of quartz surface (composition, texture and lack of natural background radiation) make it safe to use even in medical facilities, laboratories and other premises with strict hygiene requirements.

Large ceramic slab is equally durable - it is not intimidated by regular, intensive use, both indoors and outdoors. Resistance to very low and very high temperatures, and even fire, makes it suitable for use in rooms with stringent safety requirements. Both materials can withstand heavy traffic and therefore loads, the risk of scratches, abrasions and other damage. This feature makes both large ceramic slab and quartz surface readily used as flooring in shopping malls, subway and train stations or airports.

Acrylic solid surface is worth using in living rooms, children's rooms and bedrooms, where one often walks barefoot or in shoes with soft soles - it is a more pleasant and warmer material to touch, while being just as durable as a large ceramic slab or quartz surface. Designers like to choose it for finishing children's facilities, such as schools and kindergartens. In case of any possible imperfections, the renovation of a floor made of acrylic solid surface is quick and easy.

Choosing the right material for the floors is a decision that should be well-thought-out. This is an area that intact should serve us for many years. It's worth choosing a material that you won't have to watch out for in daily use. Need help choosing the best solution for you and your home? Get in touch with us! 

Check also: Interior stairs made of quartz surface, acrylic solid surface and large ceramic slabs - which material will do best? 

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