Company news

ARCHITYPE continues its exhibition marathon. An interior design exhibition, WARSAW HOME & CONTRACT 2022 took place in Warsaw last week (19-22 of October), where our stand took a worthy place among more than 700 exhibitors and attracted the attention of visitors with its outstanding design solution.
The modern and stylish stand design is the credit of a team of professionals. The concept and design of the stand was created by Joanna Prowancka Wzorcownia. Quartz and ceramics were processed by Kamieniarstwo Partyka, and acrylic - by Teika. An elegant coffee table with a ceramic top was manufactured by Radvision Crew.
The Warsaw Home & Contract fair brought together many specialists and experts, including the world-famous design star Karim Rashid. At the conference, he spoke about the latest trends and innovations in interior design.
The organisers have divided the exhibition into six thematic areas: "Light", "Textile", "Kitchen", "Construction", "Furniture", and "Bathroom".
The ARCHITYPE company was present with a stand where the new engineered quartz samples of the world brands Caesarstone, Avant Quartz, GRANDEX and Keralini were exhibited. ARCHITYPE presented its customers and partners trendy artificial stone decors, which are popular in modern interior design.
Visitors' attention was attracted by a novelty - our own brand Tisoro. The Tisoro collection includes the most popular marble and granite decors. The universal design of the collection fits seamlessly into any interior style - from classic to modern. Visitors could also get acquainted with the classic marble imitation made of artificial stone, which will never lose its popularity.
Intensive communication with colleagues, new contacts and connections, and exciting business proposals at international trade fairs enables our company to grow and develop successfully.